Sink blockage repair

Services We Provide

On time Plumbing company provides services to eliminate clogging of the sink in an apartment, private house or office. Urgent departure of a plumber will allow you to solve the problem as soon as possible.


General Plumbing

Our craftsmen are able to cope with any task. But in addition, we have other advantages:

Drainage Services

We carry out the removal of blockage in the sink in London around the clock.

Frequently Asked Questions

To date, there are two main groups of mixers – ball and valve. Externally, ball mixers differ from valve mixers only in that they have only one handle.

The choice of bathroom largely depends on your needs and material capabilities. With a limited budget, it is best to purchase a domestic cast-iron bath.

Reverse osmotic membrane filters are the most inexpensive and radical solution to the problem of drinking water.